Royal Peninsula Hash House Harriers Contact Details

PositionNamePhone A/HPhone B/HMobileEmail
Webmaster & Ex GMBrent "In Limbo" Edwards 03 9782 0555 0410 330077
Hash Cash & Public OfficerPeter "Pussy" Hancock03 59897283 0414897282
Rear Grand Master The GOVERNOR'S Fucking Dog03 59748930 0405103438
Snail Mail ContactPO Box 69, Baxter, 3911     
A very Dodgy Ex GMPeter "Dodgy 2" Lucas  0434 008205
Current Grand MasterRod "Blood Clot" Lowe  0410220981 
Complaints & Police LiaisonAsk Jane (Tony)  0408483390 

Harriers Gallery

Copy of rail Trail 001.jpg